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A young couple with the spirit of living close to natureza and a "carioca" style of living is the profile of the residents of this apartment and the starting point of the project.
We opted for burnt cement flooring in all environments and integration of the balcony with the living room. We created an internal garden that frames the room and brings life and green to the composition espacial.
The disposal of the residents allowed us to design a sideboard in concrete that was cast in loco.
The piece, in turn, assumes several functions: equipment support da TV, sideboard, bench e futons and books guard .
The decorative objects were mined by the resident and her mother and give a special bossa to the high-low style home, where old furniture coexists in harmony with new pieces .
Category | Type: Decoration, Interior Design
Location | Location: Brooklin, São Paulo - SP | Brazil, Brazil
Area | area: 60m², 60sqf
Conclusion: 2012
Authorship | Author: H2C Architecture
Collaborators | Team : Antonio de Freitas,
Anuar Nabulsi, Helena Camargo e Ivo Borges
Photos | Photos: Studio Manz

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