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The pre-existence of a caiçara house from 1970 was the starting point of this project.

The careful look at the history of the place made us restore the   solid wood structure of the existing house, we proposed the painting in a sand tone and leave it exposed.  

We designed the attached pavilion with the same horizontality and connected them through walkways made of metal structure. The texture and color elements belong to the place with brick and clay floors and eucalyptus biribinhas lining. A haven in front of the sea where the soul travels in time.



Category: Homes and interiors
Location: Riviera de São Lourenço,
Bertioga  SP | Brazil
Area of the house: 200 m²

land area: 1,500m²
Author: H2C Architecture
Collaborators: Helena Camargo, Victor Algranti, Aline Costa and Julia Totti
Landscaping: Bruno Moreno Studio


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H2C ARCHITECTURE | T. +55 11 2365 2002 | Pines, Sao Paulo, Brazil | Copyright reserved.

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