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The collective imaginary was the starting point no desenho do racket preacher.
Rethinking the use of a product, the clothespin, initially created in the mid-1700s by the Shaker community, brought a playful and sensorial narrative to the product.
The prototype made in box wood, material used in the original clothespin, has as main characteristics its lightness and light color, which reminds us of Scandinavian furniture, and perfectly met the needs of this object.
The multiplicity of uses was possible when we built a cavity where the screw will be inserted, becoming a coat rack, paperweight, fridge magnet, mirror frame, foot of the centipede table and clothesline table, book separator.
Category: Product Design
Creation: June 2013
Authorship: H2C Architecture e Enzo Camargo
Collaborators: Helena Camargo, Renata Kuntz, Enzo Camargo and Heloisa Camargo

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