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The shopkeeper's repertoire and the collective unconscious are the starting points of this project, as it is a model store for training shopkeepers, where micro and small entrepreneurs will be assisted by Sebrae-SP consultants. hangers is justified for being a fundamental object in the shopkeeper's life, easy to acquire and handle. The hanger makes it possible to create an artistic narrative and arouse the public's curiosity because it is used in a playful mobile use, and not in its everyday functionality. The colors chosen, shades of the yellow card, are based on research on fashion and trends carried out by our creative team, composed of a stylist, visual artist and visual merchandiser. This is the runway's bet for summer 2015!



Category: Institutional
Location: Brás, São Paulo - SP | Brasil 
Area: 150m²
Conclusion: November 2014
Author: H2C Architecture
Collaborators: Helena Camargo,

Juliana Vital, Anuar Naboulsi and Ivo Borges
Partners: Suzana Jahel and Ana Bordinhon
Photos: SEBRAE-SP e Sissy Eiko

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