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Both the design for the stand and the design for the decorated apartment of the Orizon Taboão da Serra real estate development were inspired by concepts of contemporary Dutch design and architecture, where the issues of sensations generated by the dynamics between full and empty were worked on. For this, graphics were used that, through the use of certain combinations of colors, manage to bring this proposal in a simple and objective way.



Category: Real Estate Developments
Client: Borges Fonseca Engenharia
Location: Taboão da Serra - SP | Brazil
Sales Stand: 137.65 m²

Decorated Apartment: 72.20 m²
Conclusion: December 2014
Author: H2C Architecture & Zoom Architecture
Collaborators: Helena Camargo,

Renata Kuntz, Anuar Naboulsi and Ivo Borges
Photos: Sissy Eiko

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H2C ARCHITECTURE | T. +55 11 2365 2002 | Pines, Sao Paulo, Brazil | Copyright reserved.

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